
Selected projects I've worked on. Many other projects, including freelance work and CLI tools, are not listed here.

Taylor Green Vortex Decay using Lattice-Boltzmann methods on Cerebras CS2

Type: MSC Project - Research

Technologies: CSL, Cerebras CS2

Description: A research project to simulate the decay of a Taylor Green Vortex using Lattice-Boltzmann methods on the Cerebras CS2 system. The project aims to demonstrate the capabilities of the Cerebras CS2 system for high-performance computing applications. This project would also benchmark the implementation against existing architectures.

Cellular Automaton Simulation using MPI

Type: Coursework

Technologies: C, MPI, Cirrus

Description: A parallel simulation of a cellular automaton using MPI on the Cirrus supercomputer. The project involved implementing a parallel version of the simulation and analyzing the performance of the parallel implementation. Got hands on experience with MPI non-blocking communications, derived datatypes in MPI and periodic boundary conditions.

Also enhanced the simulation by generating the automaton in various stages, and usign ffpmeg to make an animation of the living and dying cells in every successive generation.

Parallel Adaptive Quadrature using OpenMP

Type: Coursework

Technologies: C, OpenMP, Cirrus

Description: A parallel implementation of adaptive quadrature using OpenMP on the Cirrus supercomputer. The project involved parallelizing the adaptive quadrature algorithm (already implemented) using OpenMP task consturcts, shared queue, and work stealing methods and analyzing the performance of the parallel implementation.

QuickPanchang - Hindu Calendar (macOS)

Type: GUI Application

Platform: macOS

Description: QuickPanchang offers a comprehensive view of important Hindu dates and festivals. It's user-friendly and tailored for those following Hindu traditions, making it ideal for planning and celebrating religious events.

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QuickPanchang - Cross Platform

Type: GUI Application

Technologies: Electron, TypeScript

Platforms: Windows, macOS, Linux

Description: A cross-platform Hindu calendar app developed using Electron and TypeScript, providing comprehensive panchang data. This app is designed to be user-friendly and is compatible with multiple operating systems.

Repository: Private


Type: API

Technologies: ASP.NET C#

Description: An API that queries a database holding daily panchang data, making it available through RESTful services. Written in ASP.NET C#.

Repository: Private


Type: Proxy Server

Technologies: C#, ASP.NET

Description: Acts as a proxy between clients and PanchangAPI, adding authentication, load balancing, and caching. Developed in C# using ASP.NET.

Repository: Private


Type: Data Scraper

Technologies: Python

Description: A Python-based scraper that periodically extracts public domain panchang data from the internet and stores it in a database for use by PanchangAPI.

Repository: Private


Type: CLI Tool

Technologies: Elixir

Description: A command-line interface tool written in Elixir for deep comparison of API responses stored in JSON files. Output is saved in 'output_diff.txt' within the project directory.

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